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'Galaxy Grandeur' April 2025

26th of February, 2025

Join me in this Nick Hankin painting, 'Galaxy Grandeur.' Completed on a black canvas this painting I feel will be a very popular painting with students. Nick is now the 'face' of Bob Ross Inc., he has produced Series 32 Joy of Painting book and TV Series. This is one from that series.  Plenty of colour and a little of the 'wow' factor thrown in as well. To create the galaxy of stars we flick the fan brush with the knife using very thin white paint, not for the feint hearted but its all about the consistency and confidence to flick it on!! The photo of the painting doesn't give it true justice the colours are subdued somewhat and you can't really see the stars but I can assure you they are there!     

The Workshop starts at 9.30am and we hope to finish by 4pm - 4.30pm.  All the equipment is provided for you, you just need to bring your 'butties,' kitchen roll and an apron (or come in old clothing, oil paint gets everywhere!).  Hot drinks/refreshments will be provided during the day.  To book on the workshop you can email me via the 'contact' page or phone/message me.

Pizza style boxes are available for you to carry your completed 'masterpiece' home safely. 

Cost - £65 per person

Venue:- Garden Studio, Preston


Wednesday 23rd April 2025         -     4 places available..

Friday 25th April 2025                  -     4 places available. 

Saturday 26th April 2025             -    4 places available.